Thursday 13 May 2010

Fun With Fabrics

According to the news last night it seems that sales of wartime favourites such as corned beef, fish paste and powdered custard have all rocketed since the recession began. During leaner times, not only is the nation finding comfort in stodgy nostalgia food but it is also finding old ways to trim the fat from household budgets.

Back then it was also popular for people to make their own clothes and darning socks was something that children learnt at Cubs and Brownies. With the advent of low-price fashion retailers such as Primarni and the diversification of supermarket chains to include clothing lines, making your own clothes became a more expensive and less popular option. As a result sewing and machine sewing skills have dwindled and a generation has lost the ability to alter clothes, make their own curtains or indeed recycle curtains into clothes.

As ever, the Thurrock Learning Shop, keen to promote recycling and resource reuse is giving locals the opportunity to learn a new skill or refresh an old hobby. The Fun with Fabrics workshop, which takes place on Friday 11th June, will teach paticipants how to use a sewing machine and to make their own summer dress. The sewing machines and all materials will be provided and the workshop if free. Places are stictly limited, so if you would like further information or to reserve your place please call Daphne on 01375 485 490.

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