Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Headlines Today breaking news today the mystery of the Old Post Office Ghost has been resolved. After just over a year of head-scratching, speculation and scientific investigation it turns out that the Thurrock Learning Shop does not indeed have a ghost. It remained unexplained just how the air-conditioning could magically turn itself on in two of the control panels and not the third. Overnight internal CCTV footage has been systematically reviewed for proof of the phantom presence and more recently a trap involving a strategically placed piece of A4 paper on the floor uncovered no evidence. In an unexpected twist today, it was revealed that the air conditioning units had been secretly programmed on a timer.
.......and in entertainment news the shock revelation that the Gray's Town Centre Pan-Pipe Player has been miming through his full repertoire of 5 songs. Local worker Mrs Brisco said "It was such a shock as he was playing his Pan-Pipes quite happily into the microphone with the backing track as normal. A dog barked at him and he ran away but magically it was still possible to hear the sweet rendition of Celine Dion's award-winning and haunting Titanic song." In a statement released by the Pan Pipe Player's PR Manager it was stated that "many current artistes such as Brittney Spears and Cheryl Cole mime sections of their songs in order to compliment and enhance rigorous dance performances. We can offer assurance however, that when he sits down with his accordion his renditions of ABBA classics are live and genuine performances."

Friday, 14 January 2011

Thurrock's Next Top Boss

Last night Debbie, Ray and I attended the Thurrock Next Top Boss award ceremony at the Thameside Theatre. Over the summer many of the competitors used the Thurrock Learning Shop as a base, pulling together their research, brain-storming ideas to resolve challenges or even attending balloon art workshops. From the start of the summer there was clear development in many of the individuals taking part and there was something really special about seeing some of the perhaps more "energetic" or "cheeky" little scamps hold their own on a stage in front a crowd. Above all else, they all seemed really grateful to have been a part of the process, voiced their thanks and genuinely looked proud. It's good when good things happen.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions at the Thurrock Learning Shop

For many people, the beginning of January is an opportunity to take stock of the previous 12 months and make plans for the coming 12. There are plenty of statistics that indicate that making resolutions is a waste of time, that making them is setting yourself up to fail but really if you don't make them now, when will you make them? Of course, sometimes it helps to have some support so below we've listed a few popular resolutions and ways in which the Thurrock Learning Shop can help you achieve them...
1. 2011 is going to be the year when I get a great job
There are a number of events taking place at the Learning Shop to help you achieve this resolution so whether you are looking for a fresh challenge or to pick-up a part-time job around school hours it might be time to brush up your CV and job search techniques. Daphne is holding interactive workshops on both these topics on January 11th and even if you are not looking for a job straight-away, it's always good to be up-to-date.
Not content with sharing her top-tips for making an outstanding application, Daphne is then holding an Interview Techniques workshop on January 25th. Detailing her confidence-boosting strategies, hints on positive body language and techniques for making a good first-impression this workshop will help you achieve your goal.
2. 2011 is going to be the year that I give something back to the community
Making new friends, donating your time to improve the lives of others or simply changing your routine are all benefits of volunteering. It's also a way to demonstrate to a future employer that you are keen, adaptable and prepared to take-on new challenges and looks good on your CV too. If you would like to know more, sign-up for the "What is Volunteering?" workshop taking place on January 26th.
3. 2011 is going to be the year that I rediscover my artistic skills
It's always good to use the other half of your brain so if the last time that you picked-up a paint brush, stuck your fingers in some clay or made a seasonal table decoration was at school then it's time to sign up for one of our Arts & Crafts sessions. Taking place throughout the year, the next one at the Thurrock Learning Shop is February 1st and places are limited.
4. 2011 is going to be the year that I find out more about the way the country is run
Why is there a toll on the Dartford Bridge? How do I influence a decision that my local MP votes on in Westminster? What exactly does the Speaker of the House do? If you've wanted to know more about the way the country is run, sign up for the "Understanding Parliament" seminar on February 16th.
As for resolutions at the Learning Shop itself, I think we have a few ideas;
We are going to strive to achieve our Bronze Award from UEL's Energy and Environment Team.
We are going to win the Great Potato Growing Challenge and bring the cup back to it's rightful home.
We are going to grow some more of our own lunches.
We are going to work with more of our academic colleagues to apply knowledge to local issues.
In the meantime Happy New Year.